Why should you continue reading? Well, this is probably the only place where I'm going to talk about the specifics of my life. Facebook is no longer going to be the main place where I dispose my life stories and thoughts. I'm going to express about how I feel about issues and you can gain a better perspective about what type of person I am. In fact I'm thinking about disabling my facebook account. The only reason I use facebook is to share my videos to my friends back home and to communicate to some of my top friends. I could disable it and just continue using skype and Youtube. "Deactivation of Facebook" will be a nice topic for a future blog post.
When you first meet me in public I'm typically the guy who wouldn't say anything unless talked upon first. I may seem grouchy but I'm really a warm teddy bear at heart once you get to know me. I love taking pictures, making graphics in Photoshop, recording a video, editing a video, adding special effects to a video etc. Ironically I'm an artsy guy but I'm terrible at drawing. If you asked me to draw a portrait of myself you'd get a potato person with some hair and scrawny looking arms. A lot of people frown upon artsy people as gays because of their exquisite ideas but I am straight and I love women.
I love music. I can listen to just about anything and not have a problem. Specifically I love the easy listening music like John Mayer, The Fray, Jack Johnson and Coldplay. It lowers your heart rate and calms you down after a long day's work. At the end of every blog post I'm going to post a YouTube link to a song that's on my mind or a song that reflects how I feel.
Going back to how and why I started a blog, a friend of mine by the name of Maddog started a blog and I liked her blog so I'm slightly copying her haha. I don't really know how to end this other than I hope you give my blog a chance and that I hope to see you later.
Hi Ryan. This is Jim Webber. You'll get the hang of blogging very quickly. Try to keep the articles on the shortish side or people will get bored. Good luck. BTW, I've been writing one for over 5 years on the horse racing fantasy stable I own. If you want to take a look, perhaps to get an idea or two, here's the address: http://otsegofarms.blogspot.com/