The life of a new aspiring filmmaker named Ryan Rakowski as he goes through the many challenges in college and in life. Take a seat because video updates will appear on here first than anywhere else. New video every Friday-Saturday.
Friday, December 30, 2011
NEW VIDEO: Liquid Lava Energy Sphere
Just another experiment with Trapcode Form and Particular within After Effects.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Third go at the audio waveform animation. This time we created spiral loops with Trapcode Form and set the particles so they vibrate in response to the frequency of the music. I also setup a camera and had that travel through the particle field in 3D space. This was a great opportunity to experiment with Trapcode Form which will surely become a more prominent plug-in for future effects.
Forth attempt at an Audio Waveform Animation. Like last time using Trapcode Form but this time a more subtle effect. Way easier animation to make.
Music in the video was recorded and performed by the talented and beautiful Emily Bjelica. You can check out her amazing music tracks here:
Forth attempt at an Audio Waveform Animation. Like last time using Trapcode Form but this time a more subtle effect. Way easier animation to make.
Music in the video was recorded and performed by the talented and beautiful Emily Bjelica. You can check out her amazing music tracks here:
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My first ripper
I found this guy's video the other day. He ripped my video of my harry potter breakdown and added his own effects. I found this extremely hilarious because its terrible. I could file for copyright infringement but eh its not worth it. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it.
My original video:
My ripper's video:
My original video:
My ripper's video:
Monday, December 19, 2011
NEW VIDEO: Procedural Crumble
Just a little something that I made in my college Chemistry class lecture about 2 weeks ago. I was bored so I made this on my laptop. Thought it was decent enough for youtube so I uploaded it. Nothing too special..
Thursday, December 1, 2011
New Task: Recreating Super 8 Lens Flares
One of my favorite movies just came out on DVD and BLU-Ray, Super 8. Fantastic movie I recommend it to everyone. The director JJ Abrams uses lens flares throughout the entire movie sorta as like his filmmaker signature, I'm going to go through the entire movie and remake all the lens flares within After Effects. Such lens flares are from the following sequences:
Once I go through the entire movie maybe I'll think about selling them. Nobody has done anything like this so maybe it would be towards my advantage to make lens flares and sell them to the public. I don't know yet but I do know that for the next couple of months this what I'm going to be doing.
Once I go through the entire movie maybe I'll think about selling them. Nobody has done anything like this so maybe it would be towards my advantage to make lens flares and sell them to the public. I don't know yet but I do know that for the next couple of months this what I'm going to be doing.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Feeling Ashamed/Sepiatone Addiction.
It's been about a month since I made a video for my own personal enjoyment. What am I doing? Work videos are boring me to death doing the same thing over and over again, it becomes repetitious. It also doesn't help that school has been keeping me busy either and whats worse is the fact that I'm going to college to learn about film production, I should be happy but no I'm doing stupid pre-requisites. Ughhhh... So boring.. Like a friend of mine once said, "Gen eds are bullsh*t." This is a message to all high school students. Take as many advanced placement classes that you can in high school. It may kill you but you'll be so happy in the end. I'm sorry but I'm going to complain about these classes until I'm done with them because this is driving me insane.
I mean I want to do something amazing. I want to make something so amazing video and blow half of these college students' brains out of the ballpark with my abilities. One drive that I had in high school to make videos was to impress my friends and their friends and soon hope that my videos would become known and people in high school would walk the halls and be like, "hey nice video to me." There's too many people in college, I almost never encounter the same people more than once in a week if they aren't roommates or are in one of my classes. I know I need a good environment to get my videos wide spread but there are just too many people that don't have ties to unlike high school in order to make my videos known yet.
I also want to express my fascination towards sepiatone. Sepiatone is a dark-brown-grey color. Its commonly used in photography and resembles an old photo and or film look. I'll post a small picture below on what it is in case you can't or don't understand it. I've gone through a few pictures of mine and added some sepiatone color grading on them. It's just fascinating me a lot I can't explain it. The next drama-related video I make will more than likely be all sepiatone.
I mean I want to do something amazing. I want to make something so amazing video and blow half of these college students' brains out of the ballpark with my abilities. One drive that I had in high school to make videos was to impress my friends and their friends and soon hope that my videos would become known and people in high school would walk the halls and be like, "hey nice video to me." There's too many people in college, I almost never encounter the same people more than once in a week if they aren't roommates or are in one of my classes. I know I need a good environment to get my videos wide spread but there are just too many people that don't have ties to unlike high school in order to make my videos known yet.
I also want to express my fascination towards sepiatone. Sepiatone is a dark-brown-grey color. Its commonly used in photography and resembles an old photo and or film look. I'll post a small picture below on what it is in case you can't or don't understand it. I've gone through a few pictures of mine and added some sepiatone color grading on them. It's just fascinating me a lot I can't explain it. The next drama-related video I make will more than likely be all sepiatone.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Things that a Filmmaker is thankful for.
When November comes to a close we often look back at what we're thankful for when Thanksgiving comes. I'm thankful for:
1. My camera. Without my camera I wouldn't be able to record anything, I wouldn't have any motive, wouldn't have anything to edit and I wouldn't have been able to film videos for work or be able to have memories.
2. Friends and Family, honestly I would not be where I'm at if I didn't have the support that I do now. My friends and family mean everything to me and to have their support will only make me stronger both as an artist and as a person as I grow older.
3. My computer/laptop. As my Dad says, "You can only be as good as your equipment allows you to be." My computer can do anything and all the programs I need to successfully edit video run flawlessly. I can do virtually anything. Look at a previous post to look at my amazing computer specs.
4. Youtube and other influences, I'm thankful that Youtube existed. Without youtube I wouldn't have been interested in making videos and I would have never been influenced to start making videos. Mysteryguitarman, FreddieW, CorridorDigital, MikeDiva, Destorm, PatrickBolvin, Matthias Muller, Iggy35, KermitCasson aka Drew Casson, Andyax, RyanWieber, and Videocopilot. I would not be where I'm at if I was never influenced to make videos so thanks to all the above for making such amazing videos.
5. God, Thank you Lord for looking out for me in college, protecting me and guiding me into the person that I am today. Without you I would be nothing.
1. My camera. Without my camera I wouldn't be able to record anything, I wouldn't have any motive, wouldn't have anything to edit and I wouldn't have been able to film videos for work or be able to have memories.
2. Friends and Family, honestly I would not be where I'm at if I didn't have the support that I do now. My friends and family mean everything to me and to have their support will only make me stronger both as an artist and as a person as I grow older.
3. My computer/laptop. As my Dad says, "You can only be as good as your equipment allows you to be." My computer can do anything and all the programs I need to successfully edit video run flawlessly. I can do virtually anything. Look at a previous post to look at my amazing computer specs.
4. Youtube and other influences, I'm thankful that Youtube existed. Without youtube I wouldn't have been interested in making videos and I would have never been influenced to start making videos. Mysteryguitarman, FreddieW, CorridorDigital, MikeDiva, Destorm, PatrickBolvin, Matthias Muller, Iggy35, KermitCasson aka Drew Casson, Andyax, RyanWieber, and Videocopilot. I would not be where I'm at if I was never influenced to make videos so thanks to all the above for making such amazing videos.
5. God, Thank you Lord for looking out for me in college, protecting me and guiding me into the person that I am today. Without you I would be nothing.
Friday, November 11, 2011
10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Heroes
Its been a while since I made a decent blog post. I would like to dedicate this post to my all-time favorite drama TV show, Heroes, and I will give you ten reasons to watch it.
#1: Super Powers and Super Heroes: Honestly the greatest part of this show is that there are superheroes. Each main character either has a superpower, is fighting against a superhero or is a normal human trying to help a superhero. Each superpower looks great with the visual effects and cannot be passed up.
2: Music and Sound Design: Top notch music and sounds that send chills down your spine when events occur is always a plus. The sound design is brilliant. Each super power has its own unique sound effect which is pleasant to the ears.
3. Use of Characters: One thing that separates this show from all the other shows out there is the use of characters. Each character in the show is connected and don't know it until they all meet and work together to stop the threat. Why is this unique? This style of storytelling allows you to understand each character as an individual and value their own specific role in the story. You'll gain an added shock value when plot events happen between characters and you'll learn to like all the characters more.
4. Hayden Panettiere, Clare Bennet: Not going to lie but Hayden Panettiere is hot. She is one excellent actor and her role in the story is one of the most ironic. She's a beautiful girl that injures her body. Why does she do this? She has the ability to regenerate. You'll get a feeling of satisfaction when you watch her bones and other body parts break and heal back to perfect condition. It's creepy in a way but entertaining.
5. SYLAR: One of the best villains ever to be published on television is on Heroes. Played by the role of Zachary Quinto, known as Spock from Star Trek, Sylar is one character that you'll want to watch again and again as he kills and helps other heroes with his unique diabolical ways. You'll never forget his quotes and will be wanted to see more of him as the show progresses.
6. Nostalgic Nerdgasism: When you watch this show you will constantly see references from Marvel comics, DC comics and you will feel a sense of happiness for that inner nerd inside you.
7. Small Comedic Value: There are two Japanese characters. Both are really funny and seeing them adapt in the american world can pull some laughs out of some people.
8. Awesome Intro: The intro is sweet, nuff said.
9. Amazing Art: You'll see loads of sweet art within this show, mainly the first season. Painters and art lovers may like some of the works and the actor who plays the role as the artist as he paints the future.
10. Feels like your watching a televison show within a comic book: As you watch the show, all the text is comic text from the marvel comics. You constantly feel like your inside a super hero comic book and as each episode finishes you'll be begging to watch another.
Flaws: During the second season, Heroes was unfortunately hit hard by the writers strike. Each season after the first was not as great as the first but are still decent. Here's how I rank each season:
Season 1: 10
Season 2: 4
Season 3: 7.5
Season 4: 6
If you manage to get passed the second season you'll be fine for the 3rd and 4th seasons.
This show is fantastic and I wish that you'll consider renting it or watching it online in your spare time now that you have some reasons to watch it.
#1: Super Powers and Super Heroes: Honestly the greatest part of this show is that there are superheroes. Each main character either has a superpower, is fighting against a superhero or is a normal human trying to help a superhero. Each superpower looks great with the visual effects and cannot be passed up.
2: Music and Sound Design: Top notch music and sounds that send chills down your spine when events occur is always a plus. The sound design is brilliant. Each super power has its own unique sound effect which is pleasant to the ears.
3. Use of Characters: One thing that separates this show from all the other shows out there is the use of characters. Each character in the show is connected and don't know it until they all meet and work together to stop the threat. Why is this unique? This style of storytelling allows you to understand each character as an individual and value their own specific role in the story. You'll gain an added shock value when plot events happen between characters and you'll learn to like all the characters more.
4. Hayden Panettiere, Clare Bennet: Not going to lie but Hayden Panettiere is hot. She is one excellent actor and her role in the story is one of the most ironic. She's a beautiful girl that injures her body. Why does she do this? She has the ability to regenerate. You'll get a feeling of satisfaction when you watch her bones and other body parts break and heal back to perfect condition. It's creepy in a way but entertaining.
5. SYLAR: One of the best villains ever to be published on television is on Heroes. Played by the role of Zachary Quinto, known as Spock from Star Trek, Sylar is one character that you'll want to watch again and again as he kills and helps other heroes with his unique diabolical ways. You'll never forget his quotes and will be wanted to see more of him as the show progresses.
6. Nostalgic Nerdgasism: When you watch this show you will constantly see references from Marvel comics, DC comics and you will feel a sense of happiness for that inner nerd inside you.
7. Small Comedic Value: There are two Japanese characters. Both are really funny and seeing them adapt in the american world can pull some laughs out of some people.
8. Awesome Intro: The intro is sweet, nuff said.
9. Amazing Art: You'll see loads of sweet art within this show, mainly the first season. Painters and art lovers may like some of the works and the actor who plays the role as the artist as he paints the future.
10. Feels like your watching a televison show within a comic book: As you watch the show, all the text is comic text from the marvel comics. You constantly feel like your inside a super hero comic book and as each episode finishes you'll be begging to watch another.
Flaws: During the second season, Heroes was unfortunately hit hard by the writers strike. Each season after the first was not as great as the first but are still decent. Here's how I rank each season:
Season 1: 10
Season 2: 4
Season 3: 7.5
Season 4: 6
If you manage to get passed the second season you'll be fine for the 3rd and 4th seasons.
This show is fantastic and I wish that you'll consider renting it or watching it online in your spare time now that you have some reasons to watch it.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Script Writing Lecture
On November 6th, 2011, I attended a script writing lecture for personal growth and gain. I now know the proper formatting of a film script. What strikes me is that this 2-hour lecture was free. The only thing that I learned so far in my freshman year that was valuable towards my major and future career was free! I can't believe pre-recs are still needed in order to get a major, classes that do nothing towards my career and cost money.
To those of you who don't know me, I was accepted at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago for Digital Filmmaking and Video Production. I decided not to attend that school and to attend GVSU was for money reasons. The school in Chicago costed around 3 times the amount that GVSU's tuition costed. I was given an opportunity for a chance at a half-tuition scholarship towards the institute but I didn't get the award. After attending this script writing lecture I know now that one of the reasons why I didn't get the award was because of the script I sent in. It had improper formatting. Do I still think I would have gotten the award if I had proper formatting? Not sure but my script's format was definitely one issue that I look back on that I wished I could have changed for a better chance at a education geared towards a career and not like the situation I'm in now.
To anyone wondering the script writing program that I use is "Adobe Story." Its currently in a beta version right now but it gets the job done.
Why don't you use Microsoft Word to write scripts? Well the nice thing about Adobe Story is that the formatting and spacing is set perfectly for film and television. Also if you ever question a formatting mistake about your script you can refer to its reference which is something that Word doesn't have.
Attending this lecture has now changed my way of doing things. Will the videos be better? Not quite but the approach towards making videos has become more professional and that's one thing that I strive to do whenever I make videos, to be more professional.
To those of you who don't know me, I was accepted at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago for Digital Filmmaking and Video Production. I decided not to attend that school and to attend GVSU was for money reasons. The school in Chicago costed around 3 times the amount that GVSU's tuition costed. I was given an opportunity for a chance at a half-tuition scholarship towards the institute but I didn't get the award. After attending this script writing lecture I know now that one of the reasons why I didn't get the award was because of the script I sent in. It had improper formatting. Do I still think I would have gotten the award if I had proper formatting? Not sure but my script's format was definitely one issue that I look back on that I wished I could have changed for a better chance at a education geared towards a career and not like the situation I'm in now.
To anyone wondering the script writing program that I use is "Adobe Story." Its currently in a beta version right now but it gets the job done.
Why don't you use Microsoft Word to write scripts? Well the nice thing about Adobe Story is that the formatting and spacing is set perfectly for film and television. Also if you ever question a formatting mistake about your script you can refer to its reference which is something that Word doesn't have.
Attending this lecture has now changed my way of doing things. Will the videos be better? Not quite but the approach towards making videos has become more professional and that's one thing that I strive to do whenever I make videos, to be more professional.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Best Day EVER!
I'm literally experiencing one of the best days ever and I want you all to be a part of it. My day started off seeing that I had over 200,000 total combined views on all my videos. The milestone was hit and that set the tone in motion.
I woke up and went to my philosophy class. On Friday I overslept and missed the test review for that class, I took the test on Monday and wasn't exactly sure how I did and I got my test back today and I got a 97% on my super hard test. The professor in that class said, "Because more than half the class received A's on the test, I have donuts for everyone." So I got a good grade and a donut to start my morning off, how could it get any better?
Because I'm in a Psychology class, part of the requirements of passing the class is that the students participate in 4 credits worth of scientific studies so we can get an insight of how research is done. I signed up for a 3-hour long study for 2 credits. I actually had to skip my chemistry class in order to be in the study. I arrived for the study and sat down at the computers that they had for me and 4 other participants. The computers malfunctioned and the researcher said, "because you guys showed up for the study I'm not going to make you stay the whole time so I'm going to give you the credits and you can leave." HELL YES! I was able to get 2 of my 4 credits and I didn't have to do anything!
I figured, I better go to my chemistry class now that I have time. I showed up for that class and got my test back and I got a B! The professor then said, "Our activities today involve re-freshening up a little bit, go outside and take a walk." So I was there for about ten minutes and left to enjoy the rest of my day.
Thanks again everyone for watching my videos and helping me reach over 200,000 views and I hope your day is as good as mine if not better. I've included the best day ever song just to experience how happy I am. See you all later.
I woke up and went to my philosophy class. On Friday I overslept and missed the test review for that class, I took the test on Monday and wasn't exactly sure how I did and I got my test back today and I got a 97% on my super hard test. The professor in that class said, "Because more than half the class received A's on the test, I have donuts for everyone." So I got a good grade and a donut to start my morning off, how could it get any better?
Because I'm in a Psychology class, part of the requirements of passing the class is that the students participate in 4 credits worth of scientific studies so we can get an insight of how research is done. I signed up for a 3-hour long study for 2 credits. I actually had to skip my chemistry class in order to be in the study. I arrived for the study and sat down at the computers that they had for me and 4 other participants. The computers malfunctioned and the researcher said, "because you guys showed up for the study I'm not going to make you stay the whole time so I'm going to give you the credits and you can leave." HELL YES! I was able to get 2 of my 4 credits and I didn't have to do anything!
I figured, I better go to my chemistry class now that I have time. I showed up for that class and got my test back and I got a B! The professor then said, "Our activities today involve re-freshening up a little bit, go outside and take a walk." So I was there for about ten minutes and left to enjoy the rest of my day.
Thanks again everyone for watching my videos and helping me reach over 200,000 views and I hope your day is as good as mine if not better. I've included the best day ever song just to experience how happy I am. See you all later.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Over 200K Total Views and Updated Blog Description
I recently updated the blog description with links to my channels on youtube, vimeo and to my online resume. I am also finishing up my 2011 demo reel so expect to see that around December. I would also like to celebrate that today we've reached a total of over 200,000 combined video views on all the videos that are on youtube, vimeo and facebook. Thanks to everyone that watched my videos!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Honestly... Sports Games
Honestly I think I'm tired of doing the sports games for my college. For me and my work for the newspaper its the same thing every time. I record the game, go to the interview thing and match up highlights to the coach's babbling and that's it. It's not fun, it's boring, it's repetitive. If I could I would make the sports recaps like I did in high school. My work at the newspaper almost feels like its leading me in the wrong direction. I feel like its leading me towards a journalism/reporting career and I hate journalism. I want to go into film production to make movies on the big screen, this job is not pushing me into that direction. Making the sports videos was good in high school because it allowed me to explore the boundaries of my camera and my ability to shoot footage with quick reflexes and then edit the video in any way that I wanted. I guess sometimes you just have to man up and do the the job that your boss tells you even if you don't always like it. You're getting paid so you might as well do it.
Meeting a Celebrity: Mike Posner
From my new apartment, I have to walk behind the auditorium to get to my food place and I managed to see Mike Posner signing autographs for like three other people so I walked over and asked him if I could get a picture with him and he said yes. He had a concert last night. Which is why he was at GVSU.
Mike Posner has made platinum on his albums and has reached over 23 million views on his single, "cooler than me" on youtube.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
NEW VIDEO: Love- Light Streaks 2
I've had this video done for about a month or two and I was waiting for the right moment to show it to that special someone. I had her name in the beginning but I removed it for privacy reasons. I thought it was about time for you guys to see the hidden video.
Second attempt at light streaks in after effects. The white smoke hearts are actually made with the same concept as the other colored light streak effects.
Second attempt at light streaks in after effects. The white smoke hearts are actually made with the same concept as the other colored light streak effects.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Lecture with Simpsons Producer
Being in college has its advantages and today I attended a once in a lifetime lecture with the casting director/producer of the hit TV show, the Simpsons, Bonita Pietila.
She went to Michigan State University and graduated with a degree in Zoology. But how does someone with that degree become a producer? While she attended MSU she worked with POP entertainment, a non-profit group that manages stage performances for the university. Having that experience she moved to LA with her family and got a job as a waitress. As time went on she gained an opportunity to manage a few stage shows and movies. Someone eventually came to her with the Simpsons concept and asked her to find the voices for the characters. Her job was sealed in as the show's popularity increased as the casting director.
Some main points that I pulled from her that I took personally was that "its all about finding a skill and living off that skill. Be resourceful and find areas within your skill to work for." She told animators to show varieties in their demo reels and in interviews, tell the interviewer all your skills instead of one particular thing. The company may need you for more projects and now knowing that you possess other skills, you may be apart of other projects that you would not have normally thought you would be doing. She also said to be honest with interviewers by letting them know who you really are. She also said that, "you don't have to have the same career for the rest of your life. Explore to new horizons and different jobs. Human lifespans are huge and you can do whatever you want in life, don't waste your life doing one job, it takes the fun out of living."
She went to Michigan State University and graduated with a degree in Zoology. But how does someone with that degree become a producer? While she attended MSU she worked with POP entertainment, a non-profit group that manages stage performances for the university. Having that experience she moved to LA with her family and got a job as a waitress. As time went on she gained an opportunity to manage a few stage shows and movies. Someone eventually came to her with the Simpsons concept and asked her to find the voices for the characters. Her job was sealed in as the show's popularity increased as the casting director.
Some main points that I pulled from her that I took personally was that "its all about finding a skill and living off that skill. Be resourceful and find areas within your skill to work for." She told animators to show varieties in their demo reels and in interviews, tell the interviewer all your skills instead of one particular thing. The company may need you for more projects and now knowing that you possess other skills, you may be apart of other projects that you would not have normally thought you would be doing. She also said to be honest with interviewers by letting them know who you really are. She also said that, "you don't have to have the same career for the rest of your life. Explore to new horizons and different jobs. Human lifespans are huge and you can do whatever you want in life, don't waste your life doing one job, it takes the fun out of living."
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Getting Serious
Whenever I'm stressed out I tend to feel like I'm a way more serious filmmaker. I'm studying from a book called: Master Shots. Its a book of over 100 different professional camera angles. I try to strive to get as professional as possible with each video I make and this book is the ticket to the professional world. I don't even have any film classes and yet I'm studying from this book more than my biology and writing classes. Is this bad? No. Pre-recs are nasty and serve no purpose. I mean they give you a broader education but when everything you're learning from these classes is review from high school, whats the point?
The shows here at Grand Valley on Grand Valley's Television Station(GVTV) are downright disgusting. You'd think they would be good but the acting is terrible, the quality is terrible, the sound typically is terrible and the effects are nasty. I would just love to bring a show to the table filmed on my camera and have it shown on their GVTV network to show everyone up but I don't have the time with all these nasty pre-recs
Back in August I worked as a camera operator for one of the episodes on a show called the Laker Late Show, similar to a david letterman show, and now every time they go through the credits you can see my name under the crew even though I didn't work on the newer episodes. I find this extremely funny, at least my name is getting out there.
The shows here at Grand Valley on Grand Valley's Television Station(GVTV) are downright disgusting. You'd think they would be good but the acting is terrible, the quality is terrible, the sound typically is terrible and the effects are nasty. I would just love to bring a show to the table filmed on my camera and have it shown on their GVTV network to show everyone up but I don't have the time with all these nasty pre-recs
Back in August I worked as a camera operator for one of the episodes on a show called the Laker Late Show, similar to a david letterman show, and now every time they go through the credits you can see my name under the crew even though I didn't work on the newer episodes. I find this extremely funny, at least my name is getting out there.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
New Goal: Get Over 230,000 Views
Everyone who has thought about enrolling at my college or is enrolling has seen the lip dub that was made a few years ago. A lip dub is where music is playing and everyone who is in the video lip syncs to the music as the video moves to new locations. Here's Grand Valley's lip dub:
Grand Valley's lip dub currently has over 230,000 views. Everyone at my college, staff in particular, are super cocky about this stupid video and think its soooo awesome... I agree it had good management and quality but I still think its kinda stupid. My new goal is to make a video on youtube achieve a view count that's higher than the stupid lip dub.
I've reached over 200,000 combined total views throughout all my videos both on my facebook fanpage, vimeo and youtube. Its only a matter of time before I get partnership on youtube and my view count rises beyond that stupid lip dub. With the support of my friends, family and anyone else who enjoys watching my videos, I'm sure we can beat it!
Besides one video, the neon graffiti. I'm all caught up with my videos and school work and with all this free time I shall be going back on facebook. I went almost 4 weeks without using facebook. Cool beans..
Grand Valley's lip dub currently has over 230,000 views. Everyone at my college, staff in particular, are super cocky about this stupid video and think its soooo awesome... I agree it had good management and quality but I still think its kinda stupid. My new goal is to make a video on youtube achieve a view count that's higher than the stupid lip dub.
I've reached over 200,000 combined total views throughout all my videos both on my facebook fanpage, vimeo and youtube. Its only a matter of time before I get partnership on youtube and my view count rises beyond that stupid lip dub. With the support of my friends, family and anyone else who enjoys watching my videos, I'm sure we can beat it!
Besides one video, the neon graffiti. I'm all caught up with my videos and school work and with all this free time I shall be going back on facebook. I went almost 4 weeks without using facebook. Cool beans..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
NEW VIDEO: I AM SYLAR, 360p lags so make sure you watch it in full 1080p :)
Do what Sylar says( or someone similar to him) or your @ss is grass.
Just another thing that was filmed back in August that was finally finished. Wasn't really going for the effect itself, I was just trying to make a cool looking scene. Sylar head cut effects require real blood pouches and makeup which I don't have.
360p lags so make sure you watch it in full 1080p :)
Behind the scenes:
Just another thing that was filmed back in August that was finally finished. Wasn't really going for the effect itself, I was just trying to make a cool looking scene. Sylar head cut effects require real blood pouches and makeup which I don't have.
360p lags so make sure you watch it in full 1080p :)
Behind the scenes:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
E3 with Canon
Just recently Canon announced its new top of the line camera. The new Canon EOS-1D X features an 18.1MP full frame CMOS sensor that can capture up to 14 frames per second courtesy of dual DIGIC 5+ processors, along with a third DIGIC 4 processor. The Canon 1D X continues the recent history of blending still image and video functionality with the incorporation of 1920 x 1080p video capture, along with the inclusion of SMPTE timecode, an improved video codec, and processing through the dual DIGIC 5+ processors aimed at reducing aliasing and moire. Additional video improvements include manual audio levels adjustment during video capture and an extended record time of 29 minutes and 59 seconds. It captures up to 12 fps while maintaining AE and AF function, and steps up to 14 fps for mirror-up JPEG only capture. Additionally, the 1D X pushes the low light boundaries beyond any place a still camera has gone before with a massive ISO 50 to ISO 204,800 with expansion settings enabled. The native sensitivity range alone is impressive at ISO 100 to ISO 51,200. The 1D X includes 61 autofocus points, 5 of which (in the center of the frame) are dual cross-type sensors with f/2.8 lenses, along with 21 f/5.6 cross-type sensors and 20 f/4 cross-type sensors. Canon touts that the 1D X is capable of delivering reliable AF performance to light levels of EV -2.
The price for this daddy camera will be $6,800 and will be available in March 2012.
This has now jumped to the top of my wishlist for items to get. Better start saving up.
Monday, October 17, 2011
NEW VIDEO: Clones Test
I had an hour to kill before my communications class so I recorded some some footage of my clones. Its been a while since I've done this effect and I think I really refined it.
The trick to a good clone video or picture is to have your camera on a tripod.
The trick to a good clone video or picture is to have your camera on a tripod.
Recent Stuff, Hidden Facebook Message Within Statuses
Its going on two and a half weeks since I've stopped using Facebook and I'm feeling good. No withdrawal symptoms or anything. I found that this blog is way more efficient for expressing anything and Facebook for me is going to be a place for only sharing my videos with friends and talking to relatives.
Like I said in the blog post before this one, I upgraded my computer and I ran a test before the upgrade and it took roughly an hour to render a 3 minute video in full 1920x1080 HD. With the upgrade I was rendering the same video for 28 minutes so I knocked off about 32 minutes of rendering! Cheers!
I often hide things in my facebook statuses that people never pick up on, here's one example of something that I hid back in September. Did the situation go as I'd like it to go? No sir but we'll move on. There is way more people to see in this world and this person was just a stepping stone on the path of life. They don't need me.
Like I said in the blog post before this one, I upgraded my computer and I ran a test before the upgrade and it took roughly an hour to render a 3 minute video in full 1920x1080 HD. With the upgrade I was rendering the same video for 28 minutes so I knocked off about 32 minutes of rendering! Cheers!
I often hide things in my facebook statuses that people never pick up on, here's one example of something that I hid back in September. Did the situation go as I'd like it to go? No sir but we'll move on. There is way more people to see in this world and this person was just a stepping stone on the path of life. They don't need me.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Hardware, Software, Most Asked Questions
Many people come to me with questions like, "what software(s) do you use to edit your videos? What kind of computer do you have? Mac? Pc?" Well let me answer those questions now.
What kind of computer do you use? Mac? Pc?
Answer: I use a Pc for a variety of reasons. The first reason is the amount of customization that you can do to a Pc, its way easier to customize than a Mac and you can pack literally the same stuff into it hardware wise that you can to a Mac. Price was another thing, Macs are insanely priced compared to Pcs and everything that a Mac can do, a Pc can do the same if not better with the proper tweaking for a cheaper price.
Final Cut Pro?
Answer: Final Cut Pro is a high end video editing program that is only available on Macs. I use a Pc so of course I can't have access to this software but honestly I don't need it. When you have other softwares that are equally as good as Final Cut Pro, you don't always need the best. Almost every technique that is used to make a video can be carried out into any video program. Its sometimes more about who is behind the computer than what is being run.
Adobe After Effects: For visual effects, Adobe After Effects is the way to go. By far one of the best softwares for composting and creating special effects with videos. I use it for color correction, green screening and all my other special effects. Its NOT the cheapest or easiest software to pick up and go, it requires a lot of time to learn. I recommend all students pick up a cheap student version if they can, its way cheaper than the actual version. It took me over 2 years to understand how to use it efficiently for what I use it for. I still learn new things about it everyday as I branch into new types of media.
Adobe Premiere Pro: When it comes down to the clipping and ordering of the footage that you record, I use Adobe Premiere Pro. Its almost an necessity if you have After Effects. It offers a dynamic link so you don't have to render individual clips, you can just export your video sequence and after effects can read it. Once you apply effects to your sequence you can re-open your sequence in Premiere Pro and do any extra changes that you need to and you're good to go. You don't have to worry about rendering your project multiple times and quality is contained.
Sony Vegas: Its almost identical to Premiere Pro with a few different things. I only use Sony Vegas because it offers real time audio editing which is essential to any filmmaker. It does not offer the dynamic link but it can hold its own in creating some special effects and graphics. Its the perfect audio program editor and junior video editor so I advise everyone to pick this up if they're interested in video editing. It will get the job done.
Where did you learn how to make videos?
Answer: I learned how to make videos at the comfort of my own house. Honestly, I've never sat down and listened to a lecture on how to make videos. Everything I've learned, I've learned from online and through trial and error. That's how dedicated I am to making videos.
I recently just upgraded my laptop so here are my system specs for you computer people:
Asus Notebook G53SW Series:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM(Quad Core) CPU @ 2.90 GHz
OS: Windows Ultimate 64 Bit
Video Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 460M Cuda 1.5 GB
Memory: 500GB internal, 2 terabyte external hard drive, SSD: Force GT 120GB w/ 555MB/s Read and 515 mb/s write.
What kind of computer do you use? Mac? Pc?
Answer: I use a Pc for a variety of reasons. The first reason is the amount of customization that you can do to a Pc, its way easier to customize than a Mac and you can pack literally the same stuff into it hardware wise that you can to a Mac. Price was another thing, Macs are insanely priced compared to Pcs and everything that a Mac can do, a Pc can do the same if not better with the proper tweaking for a cheaper price.
Final Cut Pro?
Answer: Final Cut Pro is a high end video editing program that is only available on Macs. I use a Pc so of course I can't have access to this software but honestly I don't need it. When you have other softwares that are equally as good as Final Cut Pro, you don't always need the best. Almost every technique that is used to make a video can be carried out into any video program. Its sometimes more about who is behind the computer than what is being run.
Adobe After Effects: For visual effects, Adobe After Effects is the way to go. By far one of the best softwares for composting and creating special effects with videos. I use it for color correction, green screening and all my other special effects. Its NOT the cheapest or easiest software to pick up and go, it requires a lot of time to learn. I recommend all students pick up a cheap student version if they can, its way cheaper than the actual version. It took me over 2 years to understand how to use it efficiently for what I use it for. I still learn new things about it everyday as I branch into new types of media.
Adobe Premiere Pro: When it comes down to the clipping and ordering of the footage that you record, I use Adobe Premiere Pro. Its almost an necessity if you have After Effects. It offers a dynamic link so you don't have to render individual clips, you can just export your video sequence and after effects can read it. Once you apply effects to your sequence you can re-open your sequence in Premiere Pro and do any extra changes that you need to and you're good to go. You don't have to worry about rendering your project multiple times and quality is contained.
Sony Vegas: Its almost identical to Premiere Pro with a few different things. I only use Sony Vegas because it offers real time audio editing which is essential to any filmmaker. It does not offer the dynamic link but it can hold its own in creating some special effects and graphics. Its the perfect audio program editor and junior video editor so I advise everyone to pick this up if they're interested in video editing. It will get the job done.
Where did you learn how to make videos?
Answer: I learned how to make videos at the comfort of my own house. Honestly, I've never sat down and listened to a lecture on how to make videos. Everything I've learned, I've learned from online and through trial and error. That's how dedicated I am to making videos.
I recently just upgraded my laptop so here are my system specs for you computer people:
Asus Notebook G53SW Series:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM(Quad Core) CPU @ 2.90 GHz
OS: Windows Ultimate 64 Bit
Video Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 460M Cuda 1.5 GB
Memory: 500GB internal, 2 terabyte external hard drive, SSD: Force GT 120GB w/ 555MB/s Read and 515 mb/s write.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
NEW VIDEO: After Effects: Muzzle Flash Improvement Test
Here's some old footage that was filmed a few months ago. Just improving my muzzle flashes and showing off some new tricks. Youtube janked up the audio a bit but I'm not upset that much.
First Person Point of View: We filmed the first person point of view by having Ethan hold the bottom legs of the tripod and I held the front on my shoulder. I aimed the gun with my right arm and Ethan kept the camera leveled and steady.
First Person Point of View: We filmed the first person point of view by having Ethan hold the bottom legs of the tripod and I held the front on my shoulder. I aimed the gun with my right arm and Ethan kept the camera leveled and steady.
Oh mah daze...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
New Fascination towards Black and White Films
Last night randomly I came across a channel, might have been the history channel or comedy channel but I stumbled upon a black and white film called, "The Cameraman."
The story tells of Buster (Buster Keaton), a tintype portrait photographer who develops a crush on Sally (Marceline Day), a secretary who works for the MGM's newsreel department. Hoping to impress her, he purchases an out-of-date movie camera and attempts to get a job in the newsreel department as a cameraman. He is thwarted in his endeavor by Harold (Harold Goodwin), a current cameraman who recognizes Buster's inexperience and also has designs on Sally. Sally suggests that Buster film anything and everything, but Harold's suspicions prove true; Buster's footage is always useless. Sally gives him a tip that something big is going to happen in Chinatown and he should film it. Buster goes to film it and well I'm going to let you watch it because that's where the good part comes in. Its very humorous and was ranked #331 on the list of 1000 greatest movies of all time.
Another great black and white film that I enjoy is Alfred Hitchcock's Thriller, "Psycho." The film depicts the encounter between a secretary, Marion Crane (Leigh), hiding at a secluded motel after embezzling money from her employer, and the motel's disturbed owner and manager, Norman Bates (Perkins), and their famous encounter. Classified as one of the best drama, horror, mystery and Thriller movies of all time.
I'm not sure where this new fascination for black and white films is coming from considering that I'm all for the new age film look and special effects to tell my stories, but seeing these films is better helping me understand the basis of which filmmakers and movies spawned from, also by gaining a new appreciation towards a new type of media that I've never searched into.
I highly recommend the two films above and I hope to make a sweet black and white film someday in honor of the famous black and white films era.
Another great black and white film that I enjoy is Alfred Hitchcock's Thriller, "Psycho." The film depicts the encounter between a secretary, Marion Crane (Leigh), hiding at a secluded motel after embezzling money from her employer, and the motel's disturbed owner and manager, Norman Bates (Perkins), and their famous encounter. Classified as one of the best drama, horror, mystery and Thriller movies of all time.
I'm not sure where this new fascination for black and white films is coming from considering that I'm all for the new age film look and special effects to tell my stories, but seeing these films is better helping me understand the basis of which filmmakers and movies spawned from, also by gaining a new appreciation towards a new type of media that I've never searched into.
I highly recommend the two films above and I hope to make a sweet black and white film someday in honor of the famous black and white films era.
Edward Sedgwick's "The Cameraman"
Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho"
Catching Up With Videos
Its been about three days since I stopped using Facebook. I have an urge to access Facebook almost every time I get online. I wonder if I could avoid using it for a month? Everyday at college I'm questioning if this college is the right place to achieve the level of professionalism that I'm capable of in making videos. Juniors and Seniors in the major are shocked at the special effects that I've made and the quality that I've achieved in my videos. I'm hoping that when I start some actual filmmaking classes that I will excel to new levels with my current knowledge beyond all other students. Going back to catching up, I will return to facebook when I get the following videos done:
-Muzzle Flash Improvement Test 2
-Heroes: Sylar Head Slice Effect
-Otsego Vs Allegan, Homecoming Highlights
-Neon Graffiti w/ music by Emily Bjelica
-Courtyard Energy
-Fire Effects Test
I won't post any links or videos on the Facebook fanpage so anyone who has been checking the blog or has been loyal will get to be the first to view the videos. Catch you all later
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Ethan showing off his gun in MFIT2 |
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Taking a break from Facebook
I'm taking a break from facebook for the time being. I need to catch up on a lot of things and facebook is one thing that is slowing me down a bit. If I make any new videos they will be uploaded on my youtube channel and will be posted on here(the blog). If you need to contact me call me @269-929-8623, send me an email at or on skype: username Atomicflame35. Catch you all later.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I've probably had about 3-4 good relationships in the past few years. I'm the type of boyfriend that a girl could count on for anything. I would spoil her and make her feel like she's the most special person in the world. I would always tell her the truth and I'd let her know if something is bothering me. I'd be a gentle lover, would be loyal to her and would make sure that no harm would ever come to her.
I'm not that picky. If a girl has similar traits that I do and she's decent looking then she's good enough for me. The predicament that I'm in right now is that I'm stuck between two options. I'm sorta in a long distance relationship but I can't really call it a relationship because nothing serious has happened, however I care a great deal about this girl and I believe she does the same. Do I abandon this girl that I really care about in the "long distance thing" for someone else that I don't know as well and could possibly leave me heartbroken? If I date this new girl and it goes far will I feel any regret towards my decision?
Are we destined to be with our one soul mate or is love just a hit or miss type of deal? Maybe this is a stupid topic and I should just shut up. Darn, Love stinks...
Song that's on my mind:
I'm not that picky. If a girl has similar traits that I do and she's decent looking then she's good enough for me. The predicament that I'm in right now is that I'm stuck between two options. I'm sorta in a long distance relationship but I can't really call it a relationship because nothing serious has happened, however I care a great deal about this girl and I believe she does the same. Do I abandon this girl that I really care about in the "long distance thing" for someone else that I don't know as well and could possibly leave me heartbroken? If I date this new girl and it goes far will I feel any regret towards my decision?
Are we destined to be with our one soul mate or is love just a hit or miss type of deal? Maybe this is a stupid topic and I should just shut up. Darn, Love stinks...
Song that's on my mind:
My Dreams, Hopes for the Future
For the longest time I believed I had the skill of precognitive dreaming, or dreaming the future. Like I would sleep and dream about something, have no idea of what the dream was and then in X amount of time later I would experience like a shock of Deja Vu of already experiencing the event(the dream). Its happening more and more but I can't confirm that I'm a psychic yet.
The topic of this blog post is my dream, my vision for what I want to do with my career. Right now I'm working for a student run newspaper called the Lanthorn as a Videographer. I do not like this job as much as I should. Its more geared towards journalism and communications than film production. I'm forced to record specific events such as sports games, breaking news, etc. and edit the video with specific guidelines. I like recording the sports games but my motto is do not tell me how to do my videos unless you're going to pay me. The way I improve from my videos best is through trial and error so if I make a bad video, tell me so I can improve upon it in the next video. I will not make the same mistake twice. Most people don't know this but I've never taken a film class in high school, I'm self taught. The way I taught myself how to make videos and special effects was through endless attempts of trial and error, figuring out what looks good and what doesn't. That's how most artists work.
After college I'm currently expecting to do a lot of freelance work. I'll start venturing out for movie sets with camera operator jobs and or professional editor jobs when I believe that I've reached a certain level of perfection. I'll meet people and join circles of people who work together. My short term goal at the moment is to get my name on the big screen. After meeting tons of people from different fields within the movie business I will round everyone I know that seeks the same level of perfection as I do and I will direct and produce my own video for the big screen. That is my long term goal, to create my own film for the big screen.
Nothing is impossible. If you have a dream, never give up on it. I will make my way into the movie business and I will accomplish my dreams. Just you wait.
Song that's currently stuck in my head:
Jack's Mannequin - Dark Blue:

Why should you continue reading? Well, this is probably the only place where I'm going to talk about the specifics of my life. Facebook is no longer going to be the main place where I dispose my life stories and thoughts. I'm going to express about how I feel about issues and you can gain a better perspective about what type of person I am. In fact I'm thinking about disabling my facebook account. The only reason I use facebook is to share my videos to my friends back home and to communicate to some of my top friends. I could disable it and just continue using skype and Youtube. "Deactivation of Facebook" will be a nice topic for a future blog post.
When you first meet me in public I'm typically the guy who wouldn't say anything unless talked upon first. I may seem grouchy but I'm really a warm teddy bear at heart once you get to know me. I love taking pictures, making graphics in Photoshop, recording a video, editing a video, adding special effects to a video etc. Ironically I'm an artsy guy but I'm terrible at drawing. If you asked me to draw a portrait of myself you'd get a potato person with some hair and scrawny looking arms. A lot of people frown upon artsy people as gays because of their exquisite ideas but I am straight and I love women.
I love music. I can listen to just about anything and not have a problem. Specifically I love the easy listening music like John Mayer, The Fray, Jack Johnson and Coldplay. It lowers your heart rate and calms you down after a long day's work. At the end of every blog post I'm going to post a YouTube link to a song that's on my mind or a song that reflects how I feel.
Going back to how and why I started a blog, a friend of mine by the name of Maddog started a blog and I liked her blog so I'm slightly copying her haha. I don't really know how to end this other than I hope you give my blog a chance and that I hope to see you later.
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